Saturday, March 5, 2011

waiting for baby to fall asleep

after some discussion on WTM boards about coloring, it seems as though Digby is probably behind on his fine motor development. i had originally asked questions about what science supplements to use, since the ones in WTM are mostly coloring books and to him coloring = scribble, turn page, scribble, turn page etc. Then some people brought up that coloring can help strengthen hand muscles and make for better writing. so, i'm not going to buy the fancy schmancy science coloring books for him yet, but maybe a fun one from the dollar store would spark his interest more. also, i could color with him. I don't know why that seems like such a "duh, why didn't I think of that?" but really, DUH, why didn't I think of that?

in order to "keep it real" I will just say that i'm not all that great at homeschooling. in fact, most days it doesn't get done. sometimes on other people's blogs they mention how they do something and i think they must do it every day, all the time, no lapses or anything. and that may or may not be the case. which probably contributes to me thinking that every other mother out there is perfect and i'm the only one struggling and failing. so in all reality, here's how homeschooling went this week. Digby did reading lessons 3 days. he did one day of math lessons. we played blokus a few times and crosstracks once. he did writing lessons, but that means he snuck upstairs to use the computer as soon as I closed my eyes to take a nap.

so coloring needs to be added to that. i'm honestly not surprised if he's a bit behind; writing has been the least of my priorities out of the 3 Rs. and i'm not going to force him to color. but i'm hoping that with some encouragement he can build up some strength in his hands and maybe that will help him with writing. because it will be hard to do an intensive reading and writing curricula if he can't write. And just so no one freaks out, this is a long term goal, not a short term goal.

1 comment:

  1. Dollar Store coloring books work for us, and sometimes I just print out coloring pages. Color-by-number pictures helped Little Boy get past the scribble stage a bit and see that he could put different colors in the different sections (although sometimes he still just scribbles all over a picture with one color. I'm pretty sure he did that today.)
