Sunday, August 21, 2011

School starts tomorrow

And my insides are turning to mush. I don't know why. I've done school with him before. It might just be the formality of keeping track of days now. Before I could take some time off and not worry or do a lesson here or there if we remembered to actually do something. Before I never had to fight him on anything, I just went with the flow. If he wanted to do 10 pages of math, he could. If he didn't want to do handwriting that day, fine with me. Since this is my practice year after all, I will forgive myself if it's not perfect. I will forgive myself if I can't do it all. But I need to at least try.

Since Corey's so obsessed with baby steps and all, I'm going to be starting out slow. We'll be finishing up Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, we only have a few lessons left. We'll continue with Math U See. We'll start spelling and grammar. I also need to remember to do Gospel Study, but I'm putting the formal curriculum thing on hold. We'll start with a prayer and a song, read the lesson, look up scriptures, memorize the Article of Faith and call it good.

We really need to remember to do park days. We both keep forgetting. *D'oh* This last week I woke up and realized Corey had gone to work. He said he remembered right as he walked out the door that he was supposed to wake me up, but by then it was too late. So apparently I need to remember to set an alarm. We've also signed up for a boys activity group. I think there are about 10 boys in the group. It'll meet every other week. It's through the Yahoo group, so it should be fun. The first activity is a "get to know you social."

I need to print off some more things and then we should be all set. Wish us luck!

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