Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Sooooooooooooooo I kinda sorta have a job now. Or at least a way of earning money. I write articles. The first one I did was about board games. Then I did one on books. Now I need to do one on pajamas. It's kinda fun. My weird, random internet researching abilities have finally been put to good use. Now I just gotta wait for payday and figure out what we need the most. I'm thinking new shoes for Digby, since we never did replace the ones he lost. Poor kid always has to be carried now so his bare feet don't get injured. Then I'm saving up for winter clothes for baby girl. My mom bought her a lot, but it's only September and quite a few of them fit quite snugly. They won't last through the winter.

I've realized I'm a horribly boring teacher. All our curricula is textbooks and worksheets. There is a reason I never wanted to teach elementary school. In addition to the fact that I didn't want to deal with kids vomiting in class or picking their nose and wiping it on the floor, I'm just not very creative. I don't know fun ways to entertain little kids. Playing in flour is about as crazy as we get around here. I'm trying to figure out some fun things to do and my poor Type A brain is about to explode.

1 comment:

  1. We do a lot of worksheets, too. Little Boy likes them. He's kind of a nerd like that.
