The first year of Digby's life is a blur. I was so stinkin sleep deprived, I don't remember all that much about it. The same could be said of the last 4 months. Baby girl went from sleeping 10-12 hours a night to waking 7 times in a 6-8 hour period. Then she got down to 3-5 times, now's she's down to 2 times a night. In order to stay sane, I am needing to go to bed wicked early. I hate it. The night owl in me protests that I'm missing out on something. I suppose I'll get over it.
So here's an update on the past few months. Pigby did indeed start the charter school. Thus far, he loves it. I think he's made friends, but he thinks anyone he talks to is his friend. It's weird, he's a shy extrovert. Don't know how that happened, but it did. I still have to prompt him on how to respond otherwise he won't. *sigh* Oh well, I remember when he was too scared to talk to Grammy on the phone (or in person) and he overcame that; I'm sure with practice he'll be fine. When I go pick him up, he's always playing with at least one other kid, so I think he's doing fine. Who knows, maybe he just gets nervous when I'm around.
In terms of his school, I suppose it's going ok. It's kind of a blur, like everything else. I haven't been all that consistent at it, but he's still ahead in reading, writing, math, and spelling so I guess it's ok. Math is his favorite and then spelling. I've recently started him on Writing With Ease. I know you aren't supposed to until they've got the handwriting thing down pat, but honestly, his words look better on the lined paper than in the HWOT shaded blocks. He knows how to form them, he just can't accurately fit them in that darn square. So WWE is his handwriting and narrating practice. He'd already been doing narrations from his grammar book (First Language Lessons from the Well Trained Mind) and does great on those. Spelling is almost pointless; it's too easy for him. He gets 100% on all his pretests including the challenge words. We are going to be switching to All About Spelling so he can learn and practice the phonetic rules. We'll be reading the Book of Mormon next year. If we do five chapters a week, we can read the whole thing. The Friend magazine for this month had a countdown for reading it and I adjusted the schedule to include the whole BOM, not just select verses.
Digby is a nonstop talker. Only problem is most of his words consist of vowels, very few consonants. For example: "Mommy, my hay ay ee burr on or ohn" (Mommy, I play Angry Birds on your phone.) It's pretty funny when he gives me (or Pigby) a scolding: "Dada, baht or eye ee" (Pigby, stop your whining) He is now daytime #1 potty trained. Still wears diapers during naps and at night and still can't tell when he needs to go #2.
Baby girl is almost 11 months old. She recently learned how to get herself into a sitting position. It happened one Sunday and she's been a pro ever since. Her fourth tooth finally poked through on Christmas. The fifth and sixth ones aren't too far behind. Her hair is getting longer and curlier. Her height is still the 90 percentile, but her weight fell to the 10th. She's amazing and I love her sweet spirit. It'll be fun to see how she turns out.
Yay! Megan blogged!