Today was an exciting day. My very first Rainbow Resource order came. The tracking number said it would arrive today. I kept hearing a lot of diesel trucks drive by the road on which we live (it's a main street in our town) but thinking it was driving through the parking lot. I'd run to the window only to see.....nothing. After about 10 times of being fooled, I forced myself to stop looking.
Until I heard it: the rumble of a truck actually driving through the parking lot. I jumped up and ran to the window and peeked out. Sure enough, it was the UPS man. Sure took him long enough to go to the back of the truck and find my package and scan it for delivery. Sheesh. I think I scared the heebie-jeebies out of him when I opened the door half a second after. Sorry UPS man, 7 days is a long time to wait when you are used to 2 day shipping.
What I got:
The red box on top is a 50 piece collection of rocks and minerals. I let Pigby look. He LOVES it!!! Couldn't wait to show Daddy. I'll let him look at it, but the poor kid doesn't realize we won't be doing rocks and minerals until next year. I'd go ahead and switch him now, but I was going to have his school pay for things in the fall.
I also got a huge bag of pattern blocks. I printed off some pages. The boys are in love.
I also got two geoboards. They also loved these.
I got Singapore Math's Challenging Word Problems. These will be a supplement and hopefully help him think about math in a different way than MUS. I've heard MUS isn't always that great at word problems and real life application. Hopefully between the CWP and the Life of Fred he'll get in the fall, he'll be really good at math.
I got two Life of Fred books for me: Fractions, and Decimals and Percents. I hate Fractions and I hate decimals. I'm hoping to get a few of the books each year and go through them. I love the real world application and the accessibility of the concepts. I have NEVER been able to read a math textbook and understand what I'm supposed to do. LOF really gives me a better understanding of math.
I also got levels 2 and 3 of All About Spelling. I wasn't sure how many he'd need, since he seemed to be going through level 1 so fast. Looking through 2 and 3, I think I'll feel ok if I slow him down a little. Where he's at right now is ridiculously easy for him, but I think he could benefit with all the review.
Getting new curriculum is always so fun and exciting. I am so tempted to go through and open things and start organizing them. There's really no point since we have no need for most of these things yet. I also have a tendency to lose things, so they're probably safer if they're tucked into my storage box. But where's the fun in that?
Ah, the joy of a RR order! It doesn't fade. Well, maybe a *tiny* bit but not discernible by even the closest family members! :) I was wondering what the red box was...I'd love a rock & mineral collection too.