Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am nuts, I am nuts, I am nuts, nuts, nuts.

I was talking to my Grandpa, telling him to hurry up and get his house sold so they can move to Colorado and we can go visit them and he can teach me how to make jam. He says there's nothing to it, he just buys a pack of Sure Jell. Sure Gel. Whatever. And he just follows the recipe on the box of that. He says he doesn't do a water bath or use a pressure canner. I'm glad about the pressure canner, because those things scare the heeby jeebies out of me. Anyway, you just cook it, pour it in and let the heat seal it. So with strawberries going on sale for $1/lb, I REALLY, REALLY want to try it. Also, I'm thinking if mangoes ever go on sale, some strawberry mango jam would be good, or strawberry kiwi. Exciting! Maybe I'll wait until my mom comes back out. Or maybe I'll see if anyone else wants to help me and we could go in on it together. I know DI always has a lot of jars on sale. It would be easy enough to sterilize them, although that kinda gives me the heeby jeebies too. We'll see.

OH, OH, OH!!!! So after doing tons of diaper reviews, I've found that most people do not like velcro cloth diapers. Even on the really nice ones, like BumGenius, they lose their stickiness. So most people prefer to buy snap diapers. Well, since I was going to make them myself, I only had instructions on how to do velcro. Then when my mom came she brought some snap pliers. She said she never used it and she didn't even know why she bought them in the first place. Awesome! Only I didn't know how to use them. So I went to the trusty old YouTube and found this tutorial on how to replace the velcro on BumGenius with snaps. Easy Peasy!!! So, hopefully soon, I'll be ordering some PUL and some snaps and my diaper pattern. I'm so very excited.

I have a confession. We bought wheat at Macey's case lot sale. Like 90 lbs. Wheat is essentially useless without a wheat grinder. Unless you want to make a lot of blender pancakes. So I'm assuming Hubby's going to let me buy the Nutrimill that I've always wanted. (Ok, I don't know if this sounds bad to anyone else, but I it's not like Hubby controls all the money and if I ever want to buy anything I have to get "permission" from him. It's the same both ways, we always talk over big purchases together and have to agree on them together. No spending behind the other's back). Back to the story. So we buy the wheat and I somehow find out that he never thought we'd be buying a $200+ grinder, he'd always intended the $50 hand crank one. "Because in a true emergency an electric one isn't going to do you any good." Oh. My. Holy. Fetch. Crap. I mean, it's a valid point. But I'm sure 90% of food storage (and yes, I did just make that up) is to live frugally and for periods of economic hardship, not because of a natural disaster or the end of the world where there's no power. Most people have BOTH, just because they don't want to be grinding all their wheat by hand. *sob sob sob* So I told him he will be my wheat grinder and in the mean time I'll be searching KSL and Craigslist and hoping someone has one for sale.

Now, I've just got to get my house in order and my systems in place so that I will have time to sew 18 diapers and wash them without delay, and can a lot of jam, and grind wheat and get back to baking my own bread. And somehow take care of the kids in the mean time.


  1. "Oh my holy fetch crap!" Haha, I forgot all about that. Silly Carl.


    Don't know if you've seen this.
    Thought this looked like something you'd be interested in.
