Still doing well with the dishes. Though I've lost the "high" that I get when I do them. They are kinda turning back into drudgery.
We went through and dejunked the boys' room. We dejunked about half of our room. I dejunked the linen closet and the under the stairs closet. We need more organization items though. We have too many books. And they are good ones. Ones I'm not going to get rid of. We need more bookshelves. I'm thinking about putting a closet organizer in the boys' closet and then getting rid of the dresser and putting in some shelves for toys/books. It's kinda fun being organized. I need everything streamlined so it takes up less of my time.
Speaking of, I was reading a couple threads on WTM and now I think I've got ADD. I know, shocker. Not trying to be a self-diagnosing crazy, but A LOT of the things fit. I took one test and scored a 70 (it wasn't a 0-100 scale, I know it went above 100) which is mild ADD. Which is good. I took another test and couldn't even figure out what the results were, the explanations just kept going on and on and on. Too long, Clanky, too long. Who would give an ADD person 5 pages to read through.
But the hyperfocus is an explanation for all my hobby jumping. Intense amount of time and energy (and money) only to not care about it that much anymore. And I thought everyone had 10-15 tabs open on their computer at a time. Corey is CONSTANTLY asking me why I have so many and the answer is: I get bored reading something for too long so I have to take a break and read something else. But I still want to go back and read it later, so I just open a new tab. Same thing with books. Doesn't everyone read 5-8 books concurrently? And don't even ask how many times I lose my phone. Or my keys. Or my to-do list. Or my children.
There have been several people who would either hyperfocus on one thing for a short period of time or would do multiple things over the course of several hours. I need to figure out which works better for me.
I can't tell you how many times I almost brushed Brenden's teeth with Malcolm's toothpaste or brush and vice versa. Once I almost brushed Brenden's teeth with hydrocortizone. And I've been putting things in the fridge that have no business being there (peanut butter) and putting things in the cupboard that belong in the fridge (regular butter). The day I came to this realization, I was talking to Corey and he asked why there was a milk jug with 10 drops of spoiled milk in it. Apparently, a few hours before he came home, I noticed the expired milk in the fridge, dumped it into the sink and put the empty jug back.
Oh, there was a point to this post. I got sidetracked.
We bought more stuff for our 72 hour kit. We went and tried on those Trail Hiker backpacks at Emergency Essentials. They are awesome! They are inexpensive! They are sold out! Of course they are. They aren't due to be in until JULY!!! A call to all the other stores in the area yielded the same results. So right now all our stuff is in a duffle bag. It's not ideal, we don't want to have to carry it in an emergency, but SOMETHING to carry it all in is better than nothing. I started this yesterday. I'll type up the actual list tomorrow. Or something.
* gasp* That totally sounds like me! I wonder if I have it...