1) I am obsessed with moving to Oregon. It comes up about every other day around here. I keep telling DH we need to save up our money so we can move to Oregon. The only problem? DH seems to think we should at least VISIT the place before we just up and move. Details, details. I wanna go because I hear it rains a lot and I'm sick of the desert and the heat. I can't take it anymore!!!
2) I like to pretend I'm Hawaiian. I've got the skin tone to kinda pass for it and I took a year of Hawaiian in college.
3) I'm taller than my mom and both my sisters. And I have the smallest feet. WIN!
4) I didn't learn how to blow my nose until I was in 9th grade.
5) When I get stressed, I dream about either people trying to kill me or being back in high school and I've missed four months of classes and haven't done my homework. Last night I dreamt about Voldemort trying to kill me and then later I was back in high school and dealing with trying to find classes and not making it in time. I'm stressed about school starting next week.
6) I wish I could have been homeschooled like in The Well Trained Mind. My secret goal in homeschooling my kids is to educate myself. I want to be as smart as SWB

7) I hate seafood. All of it. It all smells fishy and nasty to me and makes me want to vomit. I don't know why people eat shrimp, it's like the roach of the sea.

8) I have really curly hair. Most people don't know this because I always wear it in a bun. I hate my hair and wish it was straight. Most people say they wish they had curly hair like mine. "Grass is always greener" I say.
9) Washing dishes is my least favorite chore. I don't mind scrubbing bathrooms
10) I'm 1/4 Japanese.
1) I recently diagnosed myself as having ADD. So many things make more sense now. Trying to cope.
2) I used to be really good at psychoanalyzing people. I just knew what made them tick.
3) When I was in 3rd grade, my spelling teacher told us to visualize the words on a chalkboard in our head. Ever since, I was an amazing speller. Well, until computers with spell check came along and I could rely on that and not my own brain. When I was in 10th grade, my English teacher told us to imagine words written on a chalkboard in our brain and we could read the letters out back words. Ever since, I've been really good at backwords spelling. This has only come in handy while playing Cranium.
4) I have an irrational fear of going down stairs. I am always afraid of falling and always hold on to the rail.
5) My (not so) secret celebrity crush is Nathan Fillion, the guy who played Captain Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly and Rick Castle in...wait for it, Castle.
6) I sometimes think I am hilarious. This is usually only with people who "get" my humor or when I'm online or after 11 pm. Although, sometimes after 11, I turn into a major witch....I mean, not nice person (sorry Audrey

7) I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. At various times I've wanted to be a nurse, a photographer, a makeup artist, a pastry chef, a middle school history teacher, a movie director, a writer, an audiobook reader, an artist, a clothing designer. The only problem is I'm not very good at anything and I haven't found something I love enough to put in all the work to be good at it.
8) DH and I spend WAAAAY too much time analyzing movies and TV shows.
9) I hate my father and haven't talked to him since the day Digby was born.
10) I met DH was I was 18 and was madly in love with him. He didn't like me like that, but to his credit, still stayed my friend. He was the nicest person I had ever known and still to this day wonder how I got such a nice and patient person to love me. Sure he drives me bonkers sometimes, but he's always nice.
11) (this was supposed to be my #10, but I forgot and put another and when I remembered, didn't think I should go back and change it). I talk a lot. Obviously. And I often write like I talk, so my writings on here often don't make sense.
Oooo I forgot
12) I've wanted to learn how to drive a stick shift since I was about 9. Still haven't learned. :-(
Hey there! I cruised over here from Latter-day Homeschooling and am totally cracking up over your list here. I agree with you 100% about seafood and I snorted out loud when I read your "roach of the sea" comment! Too funny.
ReplyDeleteStick shifts are WAY overrated. After many, many years, I finally convinced my husband to get an automatic. I'm awesome. :)
Thanks for your post over at Latter-day Homeschooling. I have young kids, too, and tend to stress about a lot. Well, I did last year, anyway. This year I'm coasting into homeschooling. We haven't started yet.
Megan, you ARE hilarious. Much more so after 11...and even MORE after 1 a.m.
ReplyDeleteI came here after reading your post on Latter-day Homeschooling, and realized that I've seen your posts on the WTM boards, too. I, too, am way into researching and planning and organizing all of this, and harbor the wish that I had been educated the WTM way myself. I can hardly wait to get started, but I guess I'll just have to be patient, since my oldest is only 2 1/2. If you dream about moving to Oregon, how about this little coastal town called Gold Beach?