I sometimes feel like my life is a circus, or at least a tragic joke. On Sunday Corey and I cleaned out our cabinets and fridge/freezer of all expired or no longer needed food. I won't tell you how many bags we took out to the garbage, but if you were the neighbors between us and the dumpster, you would have seen three.
Afterward, we felt so much lighter; so free. "Look, now we have a place to put all these pots and pans." "Let's not stock up so much; we shouldn't waste it." We were both raised by hoarders, so hoarding is our natural tendency. After getting rid of so much unnecessary "stuff" we were patting ourselves on the back.
Fast forward to today. It is Wednesday. Three days after our non-bulimic food purge. We couldn't go to the grocery store on Sunday, we don't shop on the Sabbath. We couldn't go on Monday; Corey went straight from work to his writing partners house and didn't come home until 1 am. We couldn't go yesterday because Corey had his nerd poker night. We can't go tonight because Pigby has school tomorrow and needs to shower and be in bed early.
So we get to go tomorrow. You know, after spending two and a half hours in the car taking Corey to work, taking Pigby to school, picking Pigby up from school, picking Corey up from work. And that's after the younger two have had their schedules completely messed up and are tired and cranky and haven't slept in 9 hours. I could go by myself, but the stores are in the complete opposite direction of Pigby's school. Plus, I hate having to deal with the children by myself, especially the two littles. Digby is just a maniac that loves to run away and lay on the floor when I try to tug him where he doesn't want to go.
For lunch today, I was seriously worried about what we would eat. "Well, you guys can have a can of mandarin oranges and a can of kidney beans. How's that sound?" Luckily we still had a few eggs so we had those and some grits. Aye carumba!
I like to think Corey and I balance each other out. He's a very "here and now" type of person while I'm more "in the distant future" type person. We clashed a lot in the first 6 1/2 years of marriage because we each thought ours was the correct way. It took me awhile to realize that one isn't right and one isn't wrong; we are both right. We need to balance each other out. So when Corey looks at the cupboards and says, "We have too much food," and I say, "Yes, you are correct," I need to follow it up with, "Well, once we get rid of all this, what are we planning on eating the rest of the week!"
I may just go shopping tonight after the kids are in bed. I hate going out by myself though. I don't necessarily like going with the kids, but I'd at least like to go with Corey.
Eh, just leave the kids home. It'll be fine. ;)