One year ago, baby girl was born. After about 5 1/2 hours of labor, she was born at home. At 7 lbs 10 oz, she was between Pigby and Digby in size. I can't remember the exact time she came, about 1230pm I think. She's been a great addition to our family. At about 2-3 months she started sleeping through the night, giving me some much needed rest. I got about three months of sleep before she started waking constantly. I figure that even though I wish she would sleep that long again, it was a nice break while it lasted. There was the sleepless year before that while caring for a newborn and being pregnant. Then there was the year before that where Digby never slept. Then there was the 9 months before that where I was pregnant with Digby. So even though it was only 3 months, at least it broke the three year sleepless night streak for awhile.
Some things she loves: baby food, going on walks, riding in grocery carts, laying her head on my lap (or Digby's back), crawling around, getting into everything, exploring, cuddling, playing with Pigby and Digby. Obviously, a very normal 1 year old.
Things she doesn't love: sleeping through the night, not getting her way, Digby trying to steal her spot on my lap (they fight over it even though I try to share).
Today she woke up at 530. I was dreaming about her playing and talking in her crib. She started crying at 6, which woke me up. I fed her and put her back, but she kept getting up to play. I don't care if it is her birthday; I don't like that idea. Then eventually Digby and Pigby woke. I was so tired, I just went into the bathroom and cried. Then DH left for work and I decided we should walk to the grocery store. It helped wake me up a bit and calm my nerves. So I've decided that we ought to go for a walk every morning. I paid good money for her snowsuit and it probably won't be usable next year even if it still fits her, as the feet are made of fabric. And Utah has been extremely disappointing with the snow this year. But if we go out early in the morning, not only will we get a little fresh air and sunshine and exercise, but baby girl can use her snowsuit and it won't have been a waste of money.
There are some things she needs. I've been looking on Amazon for them. So long as we have Prime, I think we ought to take good advantage of it. I love ordering things on Prime. It doesn't cost anything to ship, things are the same price or cheaper than Walmart, AND I get packages in the mail. I've never had to use it, but I hear the customer service can't be beat. I have no problem giving my money to a ginormous corporation so long as they offer such good customer service.
Anyway, I need to buy her a booster seat for the table. I'm going to buy a pink one. The thought thrills me. Because I've never bought a pink one before. So far, other than clothing, I don't think I have bought anything pink for her. She's also going to need a new car seat soon. Might as well make that one pink too, since Digby has his own new car seat. Also, when I move her into the crib in the boys' room, she could use some pink crib sheets. We only have one crib sheet left and it's on its last limb and it's blue. That's about all I can think of.
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