This week in math, Brenden continued to divide by 1 and 2. He took the test on that lesson and got 100%. His new lesson was learning to divide by 10, which was also really easy for him.
In English, he learned about prepositions and prepositional phrases. In writing, he did two dictations and one narration/dictation exercise. In spelling his lessons were on long o and u words, consonant blend words, and y words.
In history, I know he did his reading, but I'm not exactly sure what it was about. I know he read more in Johnny Tremain and started a new book, The Cabin Faced West. He did a lot of reading from Beginner's American History as well.
Brenden did French three days this week, the days we were at home. He does his French lessons in a different room while I work with Malcolm and Harper, so I don't know what he learned about.
Brenden did not work on engineering this week.
Malcolm's new lesson in math this week was on tally marks. He learned to convert tally marks to our numeral system and vice versa. It was pretty easy for him.
Malcolm did reading lessons every day this week. I forgot to write down the word types he practiced. He also did a lot of reading to me. His new favorite book is Cat in the Hat. He also practiced writing letters.
In history, we learned about governments forming in Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and Ancient China. We learned how some village leaders got along with their neighbors and how some didn't. We learned how some areas starting conquering their neighbors. We also started a book called Little Pear. It's about a Chinese family in olden days. The boy, Little Pear, gets into a lot of mischief. Hopefully it doesn't give Malcolm any ideas, but so far he's only asked about the candy stick since then. Malcolm wanted to know if it really existed.
In engineering, he built two pulley structures on his own. He invented them himself, I don't think he copied them out of the book.
In PE, he did more of the same. Trampoline and tumbling. Worked on handstands and cartwheels, etc.

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