Friday, February 13, 2015

Weekly Review Feb 9-13


Today so far, we've done chores. Brenden has done typing and French. Since he does those two subjects on his own, I'm not exactly sure how well they are going. I know that in his latest French lesson, he got a 96%. This is the third time he's retaken the lesson, but now his score is high enough that he can move on. I told him he has to get above 90% to move on.

In math, he took his lesson 13 test and got 100%. Now he's spending the rest of his math time doing some pattern block puzzles out of his new book.

In English, we did spelling and FLL. In spelling, he did dictation sentences that I gave with the spelling words. I made him do the sentences in cursive and he did really well. In FLL, we did more work on memorizing all the pronouns and more practice with common nouns, proper nouns, and pluralizing words. He did one sentence in PLL, but by then his focus was off and the little kids were being too loud. I just told him to take a break.

Then it started sprinkling outside and the kids wanted to play in the rain. I let them, then we went to my friend's house to give her a birthday present. Now the kids have started their quiet time. Brenden is in my room, Malcolm is in the school room, and Harper is in the kids' room.


Today, Brenden did typing and French. I don't know how he did in typing, but French was a writing lesson. I had to help him with a lot of spelling. Rosetta Stone is kind of difficult because there's no hints or helps. We had to look up some of the words on Google. Hopefully tomorrow when he repeats this lesson, he'll remember it better and get a better score.

He started lesson 14 in MUS today. It's the 6 times tables.

In scouts, he learned the basics of woodcarving.


Malcolm is sick, so we aren't doing much. Brenden went to science and is learning about the weather. He also learned how different colors react differently to black lights.


Malcolm is extremely sick. He was up from 3am-1030am. I was up with him for several of those hours, before I turned Netflix on for him and slept on the couch.

Since I spent all day holding him on the couch, I tried to get Brenden to bring his work to the couch. All he did was two pages of math and even that took hours.


Today Brenden is sick, so we didn't do school. He's reading a book Corey got from the library about wood carving. Hopefully by next week we'll all be healthy and able to do school the whole week.

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