Monday, March 2, 2015

Feb 23-27


Today was a terrible day. The kids were disobedient and unfocused. All I got Brenden to do was 1 1/2 pages of MUS. He also repeated a lesson in French that he didn't pass. It was about writing, but he still didn't pass it. He got a 76%.


Today is going a little better. The kids did their chores a little faster than yesterday. Brenden finished up lesson 14 in MUS. He also took the test and got 100%. He redid the French lesson from yesterday and got a 70%. I made him redo it again and he got 100%.

In English, we worked on lesson 9 from FLL. We read The Land of Nod by Robert Louis Stevenson and talked about what it means. We have to read it six more times today. He also did two lines of dictation from the poem. He wrote one in cursive but refused to do the other one in cursive as well. In PLL, he had to fill in the blanks answering the question of "What season". Then he's supposed to rewrite the sentence, but it's like pulling teeth. He won't stop doodling elsewhere, making noises, and generally doing whatever he can to get out of writing.


Day off. He went to science class and we played outside at the park.


Kids got their chores done fairly early but would not stop eating. My heck, they kept going back for more and more and more. Brenden took 45 minutes to do one sheet of math. Not even both sides, just one. *sigh*We worked out in the living room. We also did spelling (he's learning how to use "ee" words) and grammar (memorizing the Land of Nod poem)


The kids got to go back to homeschool PE. After that, we had to run errands. We ended up being gone all day, so no school got done other than PE and piano practice.

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